Due to the unique richness of the Volvic catchement area the Société des Eaux de Volvic must preserve this incredible natural heritage, including the 38-km2 area where Volvic natural mineral water originates.
Protecting and preserving the natural mineral water resource is at the heart of Volvic’s DNA. It is Volvic’s responsibility to ensure the natural renewal of this water source, anchored in the local heritage and actively maintaining the balance of biodiversity* within the area.

*Biodiversity is the variety of life on Earth, it includes all organisms, species, and populations; the genetic variation among these; and their complex assemblages of communities and ecosystems.  
It also refers to the interrelatedness of genes, species, and ecosystems and in turn, their interactions with the environment.
Three levels of biodiversity are commonly discussed — genetic, species and ecosystem diversity.
1. Genetic diversity is all the different genes contained in all the living species, including individual plants, animals, fungi, and microorganisms.
2.  Species diversity is all the different species, as well as the differences within and between different species.
3. Ecosystem diversity is all the different habitats, biological communities and ecological processes, as well as variation within individual ecosystems.

*Source: UNEP

This is why, since 2006 Société des Eaux de Volvic has co-created a public-private partnership with the 4 local communities of the catchment area - the Environmental Committee for the Protection of the Volvic Impluvium (CEPIV). Its mission is to implement actions with all territory stakeholders that reconcile local development and the preservation of the catchment area and its biodiversity.

Since its creation, the CEPIV has taken concrete actions to preserve these extraordinary resources by establishing partnership with local NGOs that work on preserving the rich biodiversity on the catchment area as well as the waterways.
The Volvic catchment area, which is 60% forests and around 30% agricultural area, hosts unique ecosystems and is an important source of biodiversity that the CEPIV aims to preserve in collaboration with the National Forest Office (ONF) and the Conservatory of Natural Spaces of Auvergne (CENA).

In 2015, in partnership with the Auvergne region, Volvic has made 30 hectares of forest available for a regional protected area, the Cheires and Caves, that are part of the Auvergne Volcanoes Regional Nature Park for a 10-year period. The territory of this Regional Nature Reserve is home to 13 species of bats, and also rare species such as the forest cat, the woodpecker and the spotted salamander. Its contrasting landscapes are popular among residents, associations, as well as visitors and sportsmen from the region and beyond.

In addition, through three longstanding local partnerships, Volvic has being engaged to preserve biodiversity with specialized organizations, such as the Conservatory of Natural Areas of Auvergne (CEN Auvergne), Beeodiversity and the French League for the Protection of Birds (LPO).

Alcon blue Butterfly Protection

In 2012, Volvic partnered up with the Conservatory of Natural Areas of Auvergne (CEN Auvergne). Since then, Volvic has given an area to measure the presence of the butterfly Phengaris alcon, also known as the Alcon blue or Alcon large blue. Additionally, on a yearly basis, Volvic organizes the “eco-chantiers” initiative, in which Volvic’s bottling site employees clean the impluvium area to protect the biodiversity, including the butterfly’s protected area to ensure a long-term health of their ecosystem.

Bees and Flora biodiversity Protection

Since 2016 in partnership with Belgian NGO Beeodiversity, Volvic is tracking the bee’s pollen in order to study the flora biodiversity. Volvic makes 48 samples per year, which allows Beeodiversity to make between 500-800 analysis per year to assess the environmental quality of the fauna and flora of the area. In total, Volvic has installed 12 hives in 6 areas of the catchment area, which have become the settlement of 600,000 bees. Once per year, Volvic employees go to pick up the honey to raise awareness on biodiversity and environment.

Red Kite (Milan Royal) Bird Protection

In partnership with the French League for the Protection of Birds (French LPO), Volvic supports a program to protect the threatened Red Kite bird species, by the installation of a feeding station, which is supplied with meat by a Volvic employee to regularly feed Red Kites. Volvic was awarded by the Ministry of the Environment with a patronage award for its involvement in the protection of this species.


Preserving nature is part of our business
The Environmental Committee for the protection of the Volvic Catchment Area (CEPIV) was created by Societe des Eaux de Volvic (SEV) in 2006. The CEPIV is a public-private partnership with the mission of reconciling local development and the protection of the catchment area and its biodiversity. The Volvic catchment area is uniquely rich and Societe des Eaux de Volvic (SEV) is strongly committed to protecting this incredible natural heritage, including the 38/km2 area where Volvic natural mineral water is created.

Protecting the natural environment and biodiversity

The Volvic catchment area – 60 % forest and around 30 % heath and prairie – hosts an unique environment and is an important source of biodiversity. A number of concrete actions to protect these extraordinary resources have been taken. For instance, Volvic is working in strong collaboration with the French Society for the Protection of Birds (LPO).

Developing a sustainable agricultural policy

In partnership with VetAgro Sup (The French National Institute for Higher Education and Research in Food, Animal Health, Agronomic and Environmental Sciences), the CEPIV provides scientific and technical support to local farms to help them implement sustainable practices for crop and land management. It also provides assistance for projects related to switching to organic farming.

Promoting the careful planning and management of villages and roads

Although only 10 % of the area is built up, the CEPIV works with residents and communities to continually optimise infrastructures to protect the environment. In particular, these actions have focused on sanitation, traffic and energy networks across the whole area.